LinkedIn SWOT Analysis

Here is detailed SWOT analysis of LinkedIn which is the growing professional network on Internet.

LinkedIn is a social media company which has grown rapidly over the years and considered to be the best performers amongst other internet companies across the globe. A SWOT Analysis of LinkedIn is made to determine the future possibilities of LinkedIn’s business.


• LinkedIn has established itself as the dominant market in the professional social networking business and held itself strongly as First Mover status.

• LinkedIn has a strong user base and got more than 225 million users all over the world. The company has grown rapidly in the international market. According to comScore , LinkedIn and Slide share has got 170.4 million monthly unique users and ranked as the 22nd most visited website all over the world. 

• Provides a powerful platform to promote your brand.

• Useful to all the professionals who seeks for career growth.

• LinkedIn helps to highlight your professionalism and is known to be a trusted professional site.

• LinkedIn has strong revenue model, mostly known as a recruitment portal used for hiring purpose that makes the company to earn more revenue than its competitors like Monsters and CareerBuilder. Some of the LinkedIn‘s clients also spend a lot of money on its services which also has led to a steady growth in the company‘s revenues.


• With the help of its mobile strategy, LinkedIn now gets 30% of its users from mobile apps. However, the company did not gain user base traction comparatively to Pulse who has achieved 30million activation already.

• LinkedIn has to perform new measures to improve its user engagement levels. The current user engagement has risen to 11.6 billion page views in a single quarter. Therefore, if the company engages in user traffics more through taking more initiatives can drive more users to visit the platform regularly.

• More dependency on online recruitment. LinkedIn is mostly viewed as a career portal platform and not as a social media network.


• Taking more innovative initiative can help the company to progress further in the market. LinkedIn did a remarkable job by building an initiative as Influencers platform that made many leaders to publish their opinions with all the users across the globe. In this way, the company can ramp up its user engagement levels and create more innovations.

• LinkedIn can improve its advertising which didn’t achieve any momentum compared to its subscription and recruiting business. Therefore, the company’s advertisement business has a lot of room for improvement.


• A new breed of social platforms has recently gained much momentum in adding up more users. Competitors like Instagram, twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr and Pinterest etc are directly and indirectly competing with LinkedIn to add more users to their platforms. If a new social platform pops up that can compete directly with LinkedIn, the company can lose its market presence.

• In the long run,  it will be difficult for LinkedIn to stimulate its users as more competitors like Monsters in the online recruitment business and other internet platforms like Google and Facebook who may offer professional oriented offerings to the users can move LinkedIn ‘s fortunes downward.

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