SWOT Analysis of Kohl’s Corporation

In this strategic analysis, we are going to cover the detailed SWOT ( Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats ) of Kohl’s Corporation.

Kohl’s is an American department store chain headquartered in Menomonee Falls. It was found in 1962 by Maxwell Kohl  It has been operating in retail industry by offering Clothing, footwear, bedding, furniture, jewelry, beauty , electronics, and house wares products.


•    It has approx. 41,000 employees.

•    It is listed in Standard & Poor’s 500.

•    It is listed in Fortune 500 companies ranked at 146.

•    Kohl’s is 20th largest retailer in America in terms of revenue.

•    Second largest department store chain in America.

•    Strong brand reputation.

•    Presence in more than 1100 locations around the globe.
•    Continuous expansion by increasing number of stores.

•    It has strong distribution network.

•    Strong profitability.

•    Strong online presence.

•    It has an excellent environmental and labor record. Therefore, it was ranked 18th out of 500 companies in the industry.


•    Profitability declined in 2013.

•    Weak presence in key markets.


•    Market expansion

•    Market development by entering in other countries.

•    Revamping of stores to make it more attractive for customers.


•    Facing strong competition from Dillard’s, Home Retail Group and Mercuries & Associate.

•    Increase in cost of goods and services.

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