SWOT Analysis of Twitter

Twitter is a social media site which provides many services for its user. The main services provide by the site are micro blogging and social networking along with this they also have the facility of messaging called tweets for its user. Text message can also be sent through it and it support text message of 140 characters. It provides simplest and easy way for its user to communicate with each other, share their experiences and day to day updates. Through it the user come to know what is happening around them and they can suggest different advice in the form of tweet.

Twitter Strengths

• Twitter got million of user on daily bases.

• Twitter got a name, thus it has no one in competitor so far in micro blogging.

• It has simple use that it can be used by everyone, and got the power which force many people to use if for their own benefits.

• Twitter offers free account for its user no monthly or yearly fee for the user.

• Hundred of applications are available for the user which is free of cost.

• Twitter has got a strong and famous brand name.

• As twitter is not only use for social proposes, but it is also used for business purposes there for not only an in experienced user but also business related people likes it a lot.

• Things share on twitter are easily searchable and thus user can take benefits easily from it.

• Twitter is basically use for ultimate searching and discovering new tools recent available in the market.

Twitter Weaknesses

• As the site down very often thus they need more horse power to overcome this problem.

• As twitter has millions of user still the number 90% of tweets are generated by the top 10% of user.

• Twitter has very low maintenance rate which is almost 40%.

Twitter Opportunities

• It has a very good chance to become one of the top search engines as it has already got millions of user.

• Twitter is now becoming one of the top social media due to its market strategies and tools.

• It is one of the biggest way for business to communicate with their client and marketing its product

• Twitter is used for advertizing different products and services by the business user.

Twitter Threats

• Twitter get fame in a very short period of time still it has many threats that it may not be burned out in such time.

• Although the site is going perfectly but still it has no firm profits model.

• Now a day’s social media are in very common for use and there are number of social media site like facebook who is very tough competitor of twitter.

• There are chances that due to social media the friend feeds may rise and it can steal market share up to high level.


• Antenos-Conforti, Enza. (2009). Micro blogging on Twitter: Social Networking in Intermediate Italian Classes. In Lara Lomicka and Gillian Lord (Eds.), the Next Generation: Social Networking and Online Collaboration in Foreign Language Learning. (pp. 59-90). Calico Monograph Series, No. 9. (book chapter)

• Arceneaux, Noah, and Amy Schmitz Weiss. (2010). Seems Stupid Until You Try It: Press Coverage of Twitter, 2006-9. New Media and Society, (journal article)

• Böhringer, Martin. (2009). Really Social Syndication: A Conceptual View on Micro blogginging. 9(31) (techreport)

• Böhringer, Martin, and Richter, Alexander. (2009). Adopting Social Software to the Intranet: A Case Study on Enterprise Micro blogging. Proceedings of the 9th Mensch & Computer Conference. (pp. 293-302).Berlin September 6-9. (conference paper)

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