Wyeth SWOT Analysis

Wyeth was a pharmaceutical company, previously known for house hold products owned by AHP and than sold to Pfizer for $8 billion. Its head quarter was in Maiden, New Jersey. The company has been operating in three areas that are, Wyeth Customer Care, Wyth Pharmaceuticals and Forte Dodge Animal Health.


• Wyth marketing strategy includes the CLM system that is working in a highly compliant manner by providing accurate clinical information o the customers.

• A corporate emphasis is laid on the product profitability.

• Research and development sector has been given a good deal of investment.

• Ownership of diverse market leading brand added up significant strengths to the company.

• This group has been enjoying the annual sales of $3 billion annually.

• Wyeth customer health care is fifth largest in the world

• The company is very well known for its wide range of infant milk Production.

• Prevnar, the on pneumonic vaccine is the product of Wyth research and development success. 

• Biotech area of the company is very well established.


• Very low attention had been paid to IT sector with least executive innovation; basically they lack the system to deploy them, this being the management fault.

• Wyeth while taking over profits in end twentieth century could not be able to change the strategy for boosting up more profits and that old strategy blew down declining the profitability (Mandviwalla and Palmer, 2008).

• Inventory management system and global supply chain was not up to the mark of any global organization.

• Global collaboration was missing and as a result, despite introducing any new product, the monotonous of production was observed.


• Emergence regional centers of excellence ensured the big change in IT methodologies of the company.

• With transparent inventory lines the global ware house creation along with consolidation of expensive technologies placed them at certain safe point.

• The foundation competencies were focused instead of peripheral subsidiaries.

• Globalization of internalized products by making high investment on research and development sector along with timely and cost effective approaches.


• Geographical restriction of the company hindered its way towards globalization.

• Massive manufacturing of profit earning items lacked and few other tiny factors like inappropriate packaging and right color selection also posed threat to Wythe existence.

• The tests for product liability and safe usage should be highly accurate as its adversities are directly associated with company reputation.

• Wyth has been strongly accused in illegal marketing of transplant drug Rapamune by approaching doctors and medical centers. It has also been reported that hormone replacement therapy. Prempo was also illegally marketed and was not the research product of Wyth.

• Acquisition of Wyth by Pfizer made the company profit loss on their fat reducing product Lipitor from 40% to 25%.
• By the mergence of company with Pfizer the employees were squashed, this ultimately gathered grievances of fired employees; their strategy should be modified to absorb the employees in the new merged unit. 



• Mandviwalla, Munir and Palmer, Jonathan. (2008). The Globalization of Wyeth. London : Ivey Management  Services.

• Fadely, Don. Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound. Hair Raising Stories.. Retrieved from http://www.hairraisingstories.com/. Accessed: 26th Feb 2011.

• US Food & Drug Administration. FDA Announces Withdrawal Fenfluramine and Dexfenfluramine  (Fen-Phen). FDA. Retrieved from http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/PostmarketDrugSafetyInformationforPatientsandProviders/ucm 179871.htm. Accessed: 26th Feb 2011.

• Pfizer’s $68 Billion Wyeth Deal Eases Lipitor Loss (Update3). Bloomberg. Retrieved from http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aBKORs4C1t4g&refer=home. Accessed: 26th Feb 2011.

3 Responses to “Wyeth SWOT Analysis”

  1. mohammad says:


  2. mohammad says:

    very good

  3. Paul Chian says:

    hope to receive a copy of the Wyeth’s Nutrition SWOT analysis immediately to read.

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